Drygrip Adhesive is a salt and damp resistant adhesive glue Fixes plasterboard to walls without the need for battens or screws. Easily applied with the Dryzone High Viscosity Applicator gun cures to allow plasterboard to accept new plaster after only 1-2 hours.
What is Drygrip Adhesive?
Drygrip Adhesive is a salt and damp resistant glue for the purpose of fixing plasterboard directly to masonry surfaces. It is used on a wall that has been treated with Dryshield Cream or/and Dryzone Damp-Proofing Cream. Drygrip is also an effective general use adhesive.
Why Drygrip is Required ?
When replastering, after the treatment of rising damp, it is important to stop residual damp and salt contamination from affecting the new finish. In order to start replastering immediately, it is necessary to choose a dry lining system, instead of the traditional sand cement render. The problem with most dry lining systems is that timber battens, "dot and dab" plaster and standard plasterboard adhesives can all be susceptible to damage from residual damp, before it dries out, and contamination from salts deposited into the wall by groundwater.
What Drygrip Adhesive does it allows plasterboard to be attached to a wall, without the use of dry lining battens. It leaves an air gap between the plasterboard and the wall, protecting decor from damp issues whilst the wall dries out. The Drygrip itself is moisture resistant and, in conjunction with the Dryshield Cream, will resist crystallising salts.
How Drygrip is Applied ?
Drygrip Adhesive is applied directly to plasterboard, using a Dryzone High Viscosity Applicator Gun. The adhesive should be applied at regular spacings. The plasterboard is applied directly to a Dryshield treated wall, using positioning plugs to regulate the width of the air gap. The positioning plugs should only be used to adjust the positioning of the board, they do not take any of the structural load. Once all the plasterboards have been positioned, the Drygrip only needs 1-2 hours to cure. Plastering work can commence immediately after the curing period has finished, allowing the job to be completed in one day.
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